Title: As Above, So Below Artist: Anawanitia Medium: 24" x 36" canvas Medium: Oil Check availability at my website: Anawanitia - As Above, So Below I began this painting in 2009. The idea came from a dream, which I wrote about in the computer, but and unable to find it. But I found some notes back on June 18, 2009 in one of my journals. It was about the center of Earth has a rotating sun, and along the inside of the cross is another side of life as we know it, so to speak. The people lust for gold as we do, ride thermals with make shift parachutes that are attached to their pants like suspenders. There is no horizon, as the world is like a bowl. It has a dawn, daytime and dusk, but no actual sunset, because the center sun is above, and moving like an ellipse. When I first came to show this painting at several shows, it 'was before it's time' and I was chastised for it, among many other paintings I've done in the early 2000s. So like many of them, this was s...